Category Archives: Computer Parts

Help Look After The Planet Recycling Your Old Computer

Help Look After The Planet Recycling Your Old Computer

Today the environmental impact of old computers, computer related parts and other electronic goods is a serious growing concern. There are so many computer Organizations who are ready to deal with old and damaged computers. They are ready to accept all types of obsolete and working computer equipments such as CRT monitors, printers, scanners, fax machines, etc. regardless of their age and condition. They also help in recycling the printer ink cartridges, laser toners, etc.

There are annually several millions of computers that are becoming obsolete. It is very much harmful for the environment if the waste computers are used to fill lands. Even it is a crime if the disposal of computers is used in landfills under different sections of environmental laws. The environmental concern regarding the disposal of computers is mainly due to the monitors because the cathode ray tube contains four to five pounds of lead which contaminates our environment very badly. There are also other hazardous materials in computers which are not at all good for our environment such as mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, etc. These materials seems to effect our health by causing high blood pressure, liver and nerve disease, blood with poor iron and even brain damages. Even the groundwater near a landfill also gets contaminated due to these hazardous materials.

Basically for these reasons different Environmental Laws have banned the illegal landfills by the disposals of computer equipments. These Laws says that the damaged and waste computers must be sent to a reputable recycler for better and harmless recycling. The process of recycling should be done regularly so as to protect from the huge pile up of old and waste computers. In addition to the environmental benefits different computer organization are also benefited by the recycling process. Different parts of the waste computer come handy for the remanufacturing of computers. Even these organizations can use these old computers as a medium of storing backups.

Three better options for disposal of old Computers –

It is not advisable to throw an old computer in the garbage. However, the disposal of computers can be utilized in three important phases without violating the environmental rules. They are 1) Reuse, 2) Recycle and 3) Trade in. By the term ‘Reuse’ it is meant that the computer is sold in secondary reduced price to some office or some individual for further use. As illegal landfills by the disposals of waste computer equipments have been banned by the Environmental Laws therefore Recycling is the best option is such case. The recycling is basically done to those computers which are extremely old and broken. Lastly the Trade in option gives us the opportunity to get our money back or even allows us in the exchange option.

CNC Machine Setup and Operation

CNC Machine Setup and Operation

Computer Numerical Control Machines are sophisticated instruments that only trained CNC operators should operate them. There are certain rules and guidelines to consider if you are planning to use a CNC machine by yourself.

CNC checklist before startup

Before starting up the Computer Numerical Control Machine, there are safety rules that must be considered first. First important aspect before starting up the CNC machine is to ensure your own safety, therefore wearing protective gear, such as eye glasses and short sleeved shirts is an important dress code during CNC operation. You should also be careful whenever you are handling tools and sharp edged work pieces to avoid any accidents. You must also ensure that the cutting tools are fastened in the machine spindle to avoid any movement during the cutting operation.

Actual Startup, Operation and Machine Setup of the CNC

The Computer Numerical Machine startup procedure varies depending with the type of machine being used but usually there is a main power switch or a circuit breaker to turn it on. Some machines also require hydraulics or air pressure before it starts up.

When the Computer Numerical Machine starts up, the machine usually starts at its Machine Home Position. The Machine Home Position allows the control and the machine to have a preset starting position for all its axes. After startup, the CNC machine must be sent to this position before the work begins. This position will later be changed to an appropriate location whenever you are machining a particular part of a product.

The Tool Length Offset Value or TLO is the distance from the tip of the tool from the spindle in the Home Position. The TLO must be set for each tool in the current job. The TLO can be set using a height gage, fixture location, as well as the reference tool. When these values are determined, they are stored in the Controller to be used during the program operation.

After setting the Tool Length Offset Value it is time to setup a part origin of a CNC machine. Setting up the part origin on a CNC machine is the same as setting up a conventional machine. It usually involves positioning the axes to a point where the plan designates as its origin. There are many ways to locate the position on the reference point, it is by using edge finders, wigglers or magnifying glasses.

After setting up the whole system for the Computer Numerical Control, it is time to Load the program to the machine. Program loading is different for each machine. Some machines have tape readers to input the program into the Computer Numerical Control Machine’s memory. Newer machines have internal or external floppy devices to input the program to the machine. After the program is loaded to the machine, the CNC machine is now ready to use.

There are certain instances when you have to change the tools in the Computer Numerical Control manually during machine operations. When a certain machining operation is complete, the program will move the aces to the tool change position and display the next tool needed. It is now the job of the Machine operator to remove and replace it with the next tool.

Extra Care must be taken whenever you are starting operations with the CNC machine, any mistake taken during the part of the operation may lead to serious injuries from the machine operator.
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Why Buy a Used Laptop Instead of New?

Why Buy a Used Laptop Instead of New?

If you’re planning to purchase a laptop or notebook (note that laptops and notebooks are the same thing), consider buying used or refurbished laptop. A refurbished laptop is a used laptop that has been rebuilt by a professional, and made to be like new again.
First, let us take a moment to consider your needs in a laptop. What do you plan to do with your laptop? Do you your plans include the following:
Surfing the internet
Checking emails
Instant messenger
Writing papers
Printing Papers
Making spreadsheets
Slide Presentations
Playing Solitaire
Downloading MP3’s
Listening to MP3’s
Burning to CD’s
Watching DVD’s
Digital camera photo
Children’s games
Keeping bank figures
Small business use
The lists goes on…
Most used laptops will easily complete all of the above mentioned tasks for you. What’s really great is that for most current applications on a refurbished laptop, you won’t notice a performance difference compared to a brand new laptop.
How is that possible to not notice a difference between a brand new laptop and a refurbished one?
That’s a good question. The fact is, most current software for your computer is not designed to need the high performance of a brand new laptop. Computer manufactures are moving so fast, that software makers simply do not keep up. Most current software will run on a computer 4 times slower than the fastest laptops made.
Most current software will run flawlessly on a computer 4 times slower than the fastest laptops made.
What does that mean for you? It means that it’s not necessary to spend 00 or more on a top of the line laptop. Depending on your needs from your laptop, you may be able to buy a laptop for as low as 0. A 0 laptop will perform all the necessary tasks for most people. However, if you are looking for a laptop that will burn CD’s and watch DVD movies, expect to spend 0 – 0.
Dell says I can buy a brand new laptop for 9, why should I buy a used one?
This is a very smart, and very much overlooked, marketing trick. Let me start by saying that I think Dell is the best computer manufacture on the market, and I endorse their products myself. However, try this yourself on any given day with any manufacture : Today I went to do and browsed new inspiron laptops (The Dell line designed for home users). On the home page was an ad for a laptop “from” 9. This is after a 0 rebate, so make that price 9. I click the ad and attempt to purchase the item. I am offered to “Customize” or choose “Recommended Solutions”. Customizing sounds great. I’m the customer, and I should get what I want. After choosing “Customize”, without selecting any upgrades at all, suddenly the price of the laptop is 71. I don’t like that, so I chose all of the lowest possible choices for all available features to achieve the lowest price. The lowest available configuration made the price 7. I don’t want to give up, so I go back and choose “Recommended Solutions” because these configurations are pre-manufactured in quantity, and are therefore cheaper. Four options were offered at these prices: 9, 49, 9, and 19. Each one of these options was offered a 0 rebate (keep in mind this is a mail-in rebate so it doesn’t lower your price at checkout) so respectively, if I were to purchase, then wait for my rebate, I could get a laptop for 9, 99, 9, or 69. Not one option was available to purchase this laptop at the advertised priced price of 9, even after a mail-in rebate! You will find the same scenario anywhere you go, no matter what manufacture.
No option was available to purchase a laptop for 9, even after a mail-in rebate!
They have to get you to buy from them somehow. All of the computer manufactures have been using this marketing technique (as described above) for years. Imagine if everyone knew about this and the money they could save on buying a refurbished laptop, without having to sacrifice any of their goals and needs from the computer. These manufactures would not be the same companies that they are today.
There are more reasons to consider a refurbished laptop.
Another aspect of buying a refurbished computer that should be considered is this: Most refurbished laptops available are not the “low end” home user based laptops. Examples of home user laptops are: Compaq Presario, Dell Inspiron, eMachines, Hewlett Packard Pavilion, Sony Vaio, and Toshiba Satellite. Refurbished laptops are almost always business model laptops that are off-lease from major corporations.
Business laptops have parts available even long after warranty expires.
Business laptops provide a better solution because they are the laptops provided by a company that are proven to work well. Examples of business laptops are: Compaq Armada, Dell Latitude, Hewlett Packard Compaq Mobile/Business Workstation, and Toshiba Tecra. Home user laptops, believe it or not, are usually testing grounds for new engineering of laptop equipment. Home user laptops are typically given shorter warranty, and are designed to last until that warranty expires. After the laptop’s warranty has expired, the newer “experimental” home user model available uses different parts. Since the older models are no longer under warranty, and they use “out of date” parts, the manufacture no longer stocks the parts. Therefore, when your home user laptop has an out of warranty problem (which it will), the parts that are available to fix your laptop are very expensive, if they are available at all. This leaves the home user with the attitude to “throw away and buy new”, which is exactly what the manufacture wants you to do.
Since business laptops use technology that is proven to work, their parts seldom change from model to model. Due to this fact as well as the fact that business laptops are leased to corporations, huge stock piles of parts are kept at the manufacture for extended warranties as well as out of warranty purchases. For example, you can still call Dell today to order parts for an out of warranty laptop that was manufactured in 1997 or 1998 for the same cost as laptops manufactured in 2002.
Business laptops are more expensive than home laptops (as much as 00), buy used and save a ton.
Business laptops, due to their stability, are far more expensive than home user laptops. Using the Dell example, the cheapest Dell business laptop (Latitude), currently available is 00. Many of the refurbished laptops being sold today for 0-0 originally sold for 00 or more. This means you can buy refurbished and save as much as 80% over buying new.
Purchase a refurbished laptop that will suit your needs and last for years, at a great savings.
What all of this means is that if you purchase a refurbished laptop, you can expect the following:
Able to complete all tasks necessary to an everyday user
Half the cost of a brand new home user laptop
Up to 80% less than a brand new business laptop
Proven technology that will last for years
Parts always available if your laptop has a problem
Take control in your life, and put extra money in your pocket for other things that are important to you!
Find a Great Refurbished Laptop on the Web Today at

What The Heck Is An Mup.sys Error?

What The Heck Is An Mup.sys Error?

Computer networks really cannot do without the presence of the mup.sys file. However, errors in this crucial file can prevent a computer from booting correctly, or booting at all.


Mup.sys is used in the newer operating systems in the Windows range –Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows Vista. The file helps in the functioning of a part of the operating system called a Multiple UNC Provider (MUP). It is part of a software system that helps networked computers communicate with one another to share files and peripheral components such as printers and scanners.

UNC stands for Universal Naming Convention — this phrase refers to how a network of computers using the same operating system communicate through a language that is uniform to describe the locations of resources used by the network, such as shared files and peripherals. This is not quite as complicated as it sounds. For all of us lay people, it means that the locations of the resources stored on a computer are described using certain specific terms.

For example, when studying the number of files in your hard drive and click on a folder, the location of the folder on your hard drive is listed in an address bar. If you click on a folder or file, the location of the file might show up in the form of something like C:\foldername\filename. This structure is used for every file and folder on a computer, as well as peripheral resources such as scanners and printers.

Would this reveal something about how the Multiple UNC Provider system works? When a program on a networked computer tries to access a shared resource, that computer has to use a UNC path (the path refers to the location of the resource). The access request is forwarded to the Multiple UNC Provider, which then redirects the request according to which computer on the network is making it.

The Multiple UNC Provider, therefore, is part of a system that allows networked computers to communicate with other computers without hiccups.


Errors in mup.sys are attributable to corruption in the system file, or a bug in the Windows operating system that relates to the mup.sys file. These errors may prevent mup.sys from being able to load. The problem with this is that Windows tries to load mup.sys whenever you put on your computer, whether your computer is part of a network or not.

Therefore, if the file is corrupted to the extent that it cannot be completely loaded, your computer will either crash or start rebooting every time it attempts to load the mup.sys file. In most cases, this happens even when safe mode is the option being used.


Aside from file corruption errors as described above, mup.sys may occasionally cause other types of errors, depending on your operating system and configuration.

An outdated or corrupted mup.sys file might be causing a variety of non-specific network errors, most commonly in Windows 2000 and Windows NT. Thus, the errors may include the ones in Distributed File System connections between domain controllers and client computers, as well as more general network errors in networks running any XP, 2000, NT or Vista version of Windows.

In most cases, the root cause of such errors, including most of the following, lies in using an operating system version that is working on yesterday’s technology.

Stop 0x50 Error (Windows NT 4.0)

This error occurs if your sound scheme is set to “No Sounds”. The system finds it difficult to follow this — it searches for a file called “close.wav” on the network at computer shutdown, even though sound has been set to off and that file has not been utilized. When this happens, a bug in the mup.sys file might lead to the error. This may happen whenever the computer is turned off.

Stop: 0x0000000a Error (Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition Service Pack 6a)

The error is regardless of system configuration or what applications are currently running. However, only computers running the above version of Windows NT may fall prey to this error type.

Event ID 2012 (Windows NT 4.0, with Service Pack 3)

An outdated mup.sys file may sometimes result in an Event ID 2012 Network Error in computers running this version of Windows NT. We see such errors when running an application that uses Btrieve engine version 6.15 (Btrieve is a database that uses a method of storing data that provides fast retrieval times).

Non-responsive Network (Windows 2000, SP1 or 2)

An error in mup.sys may occasionally cause computers across a network to become non-responsive when a networked computer disconnects from the Distributed File System.

System Error 53 (Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0)

This error can occur when using a version of either operating system that may be rather old. Conflicts between mup.sys and the Distributed File System may result in such an error.

A lot of people in the world today have begun to think nothing of computer hardware

A lot of people in the world today have begun to think nothing of computer hardware

You might startle yourself if you decided to go into the computer hardware sales and resale business. People need these computer counterparts so much that they will pay good money to get them. The good thing is that they get to pay this money to you.|Computers are indispensable in modern day, as are their counterparts. They don’t even cost a lot, the computer hardware, but because the best types are hard to come by. Only if you educate yourself on them can you be the start that educates others on them.

You must have a computer, otherwise you can’t read this. In that case, you need to get your hands on computer hardware from time to time as you need to replace components in the PC. When you do that, make sure you get the best that you can.|Machines work and wear, and then they need parts to be replaced. Like it or not, computers are machines, and as their parts wear, you need to replace them. I know of a place where you can get the best computer hardware – it’s called eBay.|There are so many computer hardware in circulation these days that it’s getting hard to keep track of them. They all work differently, and look differently too. To make the best use of them, you need to get an experienced professional to help with the ropes.

I have always preferred to buy my products from the manufacturer, but I have a friend who thinks that it is better getting computer hardware from a computer specialist. He figures the specialist would have had the chance to test the product to see that it works perfectly before selling to you. It costs a bit more that way but he’s happy with it, so who am I to complain?|When you have nothing else to lose, sometimes you’ll just have to settle for the best. Computer hardware work you like that; after you have used them for a while, you know which are good and which are not. And when push comes to shove, you’ll be glad to buy the best.

Computer hardware are available to the end consumer through resale units. You could be one of these resellers if you wanted to: not one charges you extra for it. Just you’re your hardware.|The things that can be done by computer hardware these days, you’d think you just stepped into a sci-fi movie; and I just believe it all rides on the strength of your computer hardware. That is why I always advocate for getting the best of them. Always.|There are sites online where you can learn everything there is to learn about computer hardware. You could choose to pick up a textbook and read up if you care, but bi think the internet makes it all so easy I needn’t bother about that.
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